The Local Backyard Chicken Farm

Meet Charley’s Chicks

We believe in honest and transparent husbandry. It is our goal to support our surrounding communities as a reliable resource for quality backyard chickens.

Farmer Charley


Your Local Chicken Farmer

You can find Charley out in the field managing our pasture raised flocks or working with the various breed types we raise here on our family farm. With an extensive career in film and television production as a key grip, shifting to poultry farming felt right at home as raising chickens requires much of the same care and creativity to the craft. Knowing the many attributes that backyard chickens can add to a family, he is constantly exploring the vast world of domesticated fowl in order to best serve our surrounding communities. Charley’s experience from small backyard flocks to large-scale pastured poultry production gives him the knowledge to help set your flock up for success.



The genuine Crazy Chicken Lady

She’s the smiling face you’ll see upon arriving for a farm visit. Keila has a love for helping people and an equal passion for raising healthy poultry. With a career as a phlebotomist/lab technician, she brings an in-depth perspective to rearing chickens by understanding the importance of bio security and implementing techniques for successful backyard flock management. She takes great pride in helping you find the right chickens for your family and is always willing to answer any questions you may have.

In 2020, a lot changed for families all across America. We decided to face the change head on and turn our sights toward self-sufficiency and opportunities of supporting our local communities. And as chickens can be a great first step towards the backyard homestead, the desire to raise healthy, quality poultry was born.

Developing a deep understanding of where our food comes from and recognizing how important community really is, we set out to grow, educate and support our surrounding backyard chicken communities. We are a local family farm providing a trusted resource for quality backyard chickens, NonGMO custom feeds and Pasture Raised Poultry.

As we have grown from raising 100 chickens to raising over 100,000 chickens a year, it is also our mission to help steer our customers towards success by sharing our experience of all the responsibility that comes along with a backyard flock.

Located in west Jacksonville (Baldwin, FL), we are a 25 min drive west from Downtown Jacksonville.

Charley’s Chicks raises over 70+ different breeds of poultry throughout the year. Our chickens are categorized by breed type - Standard, Specialty and Rare Breeds. Plus Broilers (meat birds), Guineas, Turkeys and Waterfowl. We alternate the availability of our selected fowl each month to offer over 3000 chickens of different ages and variety’s at any given time. All our poultry start as day old chicks on our farm, sourced from trusted NPIP certified breeders around the US. Our chicks are sexed pullets (unless otherwise specified, bantams, guineas, turkeys and broilers excluded) vaccinated for Mareks disease, treated for coccidiosis on a preventative schedule and fed NonGMO custom formulated feeds with an activated bio-carbon supplement for a healthy digestive system.

We follow a strategic rearing program to ensure our poultry far exceed the minimum requirements for tending chickens - setting a standard for backyard poultry health and the environment they live in.