Our Backyard Chicken Breeds
Take a look at our carefully selected list of over 70 different breeds of poultry that we raise for you right here on our farm.
We alternate our stock monthly to offer a large variety of breeds and ages all year long. All ages are available for purchase and include a 5 day guarantee from date of purchase.
All our standard sized layers are sexed pullets, vaccinated for Mareks, treated for coccidiosis on a preventive schedule and fed our custom formulated NonGMO feeds with probiotics and activated bio carbon. Bantams, Guinea fowl, Water fowl, Meat birds and Turkeys are available as straight run only.
Volume discounts apply to all poultry in stock.
10% off 10 or more
20% off 25 or more
30% off 50 or more
Standard Breeds
Faithful and hardy breeds that set the standard for Backyard Chickens everywhere.
Starting at $6 each under 2 weeks of age
$6.00 0 - 2 weeks
$12.00 2 - 4 weeks
$18.00 4 - 8 weeks
$24.00 8 - 12 weeks
$30.00 12 - 16 weeks
$35.00 16 - Layer
Colored Eggs
Easter Egger
Olive Egger
Light Brahma
New Hampshire Red
Plymouth Blue Rock
Production Red
Production Blue
Rhode Island Red
Speckled Sussex
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Brown Eggs
Barred Rock
Black Star
Black Australorp
Black Jersey Giant
Buff Orpington
Buff Brahma
Cinnamon Queen
Dark Brahma
Gold Laced Wyandotte
Golden Comet
ISA Brown
Hyline Brown
White Eggs
Brown Leghorn
California Grey
California White
White Leghorn
Specialty Breeds*
Unique and Amazing breeds sure to grace your flock with color and character
Starting at $10 each under 2 weeks of age
$10.00 0 - 2 weeks
$16.00 2 - 4 weeks
$22.00 4 - 8 weeks
$28.00 8 - 12 weeks
$35.00 12 - 16 weeks
$40.00 16 - Layer
Brown Eggs
Assorted Silkies*
Assorted Cochins*
Blue Australorp*
Cuckoo Maran*
Chocolate Orpington*
Mystic Maran*
Salmon Faverolle*
White Jersey Giant*
French Pearl Guinea*
Russian Orloff*
White Eggs
Black Minorca*
Blue Breasted Brown Leghorn*
Pearl Star*
Assorted Polish*
Colored Eggs
Prairie Bluebell*
Sapphire Olive Egger*
Starlight Green Egger*
Rare Breeds**
Elegant and Distinct breeds, carefully selected for color patterns, temperament and egg color
Starting at $15 each under 2 weeks of age
$15.00 0 - 2 weeks
$20.00 2 - 4 weeks
$26.00 4 - 8 weeks
$32.00 8 - 12 weeks
$40.00 12 - 16 weeks
$45.00 16 - Layer
Brown Eggs
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte**
Blue Laced Gold Wyandotte**
Lavender Orpington**
English Jubilee Orpington**
English Mottled Orpington**
English Silver Laced Orpington**
Frizzle Bantams**
Crele Penedesenca**
Colored Eggs
Blue Copper Maran** - Dark Brown
Cream Legbar** - Blue
Azur** - Blue
French Black Copper Marans** - Dark Brown
French Wheaten Maran** - Dark Brown
Isabella Leghorn** - White
Mottled Houdan** - White
Fast growing meat birds that exceed expectation and well suited for the homesteader
Starting at $4.00 - $4.50 each under 2 weeks of age.
10% off 10 or more
20% off 25 or more
30% off 50 or more
$4.00 0 - 2 weeks
$7.00 2 - 4 weeks
$10.00 4 - 6 weeks
$13.00 6 - 8 weeks
$15.50 8 - 10 weeks
White Broilers
Cornish Cross - $4.00 ea.
Red Broilers
Freedom Rangers - $4.50 ea.
$20.00 0 - 2 weeks
$25.00 2 - 4 weeks
$30.00 4 - 8 weeks
$35.00 8 - 12 weeks
$40.00 12 - 16 weeks
$50.00 16 - 20 weeks
Broad Breasted Turkeys
Starting at $15 each under 2 weeks of age
Broad Breasted White
Broad Breasted Bronze
Heritage Turkeys
Starting at $20 each under 2 weeks of age
Orlopp Bronze Turkey
Bourbon Red Turkey
Holland White Yurkey
Black Turkey Turkey